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The MESS' Adopt-a-Block Program has been active in the Mission, BC community since 1994. You can join our adoption program by committing to clean a street, park, trail, or stream in your neighbourhood.  Litter pick on your own schedule and commit when you are able. Our volunteer program makes it easy & appreciates all the help provided. It all makes a difference!




Citizens sign up to volunteer to adopt an area. These areas can include your whole street, block, favorite park or creek.  Volunteers agree to help control the litter problem by committing to clean up litter or illegal dumping in the adopted public space usually on a monthly basis.  Volunteering is flexible and done on your own schedule and frequency. Some volunteers litter pick weekly, monthly and others only on occasion.


MESSociety will provide the volunteer with the appropriate equipment including a hi-vis safety vest, bucket or Adopt-a-Block blue bag, litter pickers, and landfill vouchers if necessary.  All volunteers are also given a safety orientation prior to litter picking.


Once the volunteer starts to clear litter from their adopted area, they report their volunteer time & how much trash they picked up through our monthly report form (online, via email, in person or over the phone). Our monthly report form helps us to quantify and collect data on the litter being found.  This data helps us with our reports to the District, Province of BC, and to help problem solve litter in that specific area.  


As an option, Adopt-a-Block volunteers who provide at least 3 reports to us, can have a street sign placed on their adopted area with their name, group, or business.  Please note that it takes usually at least 4-6 months for the street sign to actually be installed in the community.



This type of adoption is for volunteers looking to assist with litter pick-up but don’t have a specific area to adopt. These volunteers are given the equipment and training they need.







Due to the sensitivity of our waterways, creek adoptions require an additional level of training to ensure the health and well-being of our streams and creeks. Clean-ups in the waterways only happen at specific times of the year when it is safest for the volunteers and the habitat living in the area. Those interested in a creek adoption can learn more about the guidelines here. If you would like to adopt a stream, contact the MESSociety for further details.


Office Hours:

By Appointment only.


(778) 548-5633

Mission Environmental Stewardship Society © 2024


Mailing Address:

PO Box 20115 RPO Hills

Mission, BC Canada V2V 7P8​​

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