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What do I do with the different types of litter I collect?Most litter is too damaged to sort into recycling, compost, and landfill waste. So unless it is very clean, all your collected litter will go into your curbside waste. Should you find you are exceeding your allowable collection amount, contact us for bag tags. If you live outside of the collection area, speak to us about landfill vouchers. If you live in FVRD, please contact us for Sylvester Rd transfer station vouchers.
How do I dispose of litter I collect?Collected litter can be placed in your curbside waste. If you exceed your collection limit, speak to us about bag tags. If you live outside of the collection area, contact us for landfill vouchers. If you reside in FVRD, contact us for Sylvester Rd transfer station vouchers. Businesses may allow you to use their bins if you are picking litter near their location. PLEASE ASK before doing so. The Mission Landfill accepts solid waste, including household garbage, furniture, appliances, residential renovation waste (call for information on drywall disposal), green waste and scrap metal. Residential blue bag recyclables, residential food waste, grass clippings and scrap metal, including appliances, automotive batteries, and propane tanks can also be deposited at Minnie’s Pit free of charge. The Mission Landfill currently operates seven days a week 8am-5pm, please refer back to the Mission Landfills website to be informed about upcoming closures.
Is all litter...for the landfill?Not necessarily. You can sort your CLEAN, DRY recyclable litter and sort them according to the District of Mission standards for recycling and place it with your curbside pick-up. Recycling can also be taken to the Mission Landfill (Dewdney Trunk Rd) or Mission Recycling Depot (Mershon Street) for free. Occasionally volunteers find toxic substances such as oil and paint. You can now drop off oil and paint containers at the Mission Recycling Depot.
What do I do if I encounter a homeless encampment?First ask yourself if it seems someone is currently living there. M.E.S.S. recognizes that the litter is not the first problem, it is the result from a socio-economic problem – and if you are concerned about the encampment of homeless people that you have come across, we suggest notifying Mission Community Services for advice. If it seems like it may be a dangerous situation contact Mission RCMP. DO NOT approach the area to investigate. If the litter mess caused by transient living is on municipal land – The District of Mission’s Public Works should be notified. Public works is equipped with staff and the equipment to properly deal with large litter sites (and illegal dumping). If the litter mess is on private property, and becomes an ‘unsightly mess’, the District By-Law officer should be notified; the officer will then notify the owner to clean up the mess or be fined (with the removal costs).
How do I handle needles safely?At M.E.S.S. we following Fraser Health's steps to disposing of needles safely. You can also contact us for a disposal kit (free of charge). Sharps such as needles can be disposed in a biohazard container or sturdy plastic container for free at the Public Health office at Mission Hospital.
What items are recyclable?In Mission, we follow Recycle BC's standards for sorting recyclables. Please click on the links below for information on how to sort any recyclables you may find. Curbside Recycling Guide Onsite Recycling Guide
Do I report illegal dumping and bulky/unmanageable items?Yes, please inform us of any large items or dump sites that you encounter using the Monthly Report Form on our website. We track dump sites in Mission so we can better understand how to manage the problem. For pick-up of illegally dumped items call District of Mission Public Works department at 604-820-3761
What if I can no longer clean my route?That's okay! Please notify our office if you are unable to continue cleaning your route so we know which areas of Mission might need more volunteer attention.
What if I move from Mission, BC?"Please contact the office (604) 826-9423 and arrange to return your equipment. Each kit cost our non-profit $60 to purchase – and we will recycle your kit to newly registered volunteers and/or use them in our general clean-ups. If you are moving out of Mission, and will no longer be collecting litter IN Mission – we ask also, that you return your kits, as our Adopt-A-Block litter program is only for Mission residents and individuals who collect litter IN Mission. If we can, we will advise you of your new home town’s litter control program contact.
What items can I dispose of for free?Mission Depot Drop-off Guide
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