Cleanup + Keep Mission Beautiful + Earn up to a $400 donation towards your community group or local charity!

With the financial support of the City of Mission and as a part of our on-going litter control campaign to educate and raise awareness of the litter problems in our city, MESS invites all Mission non-profits or community groups to apply for our Spring & Fall Fundraiser Group Cleanup program. Approved groups can earn up to $400 for their group or charity by clearing 3-4km of heavily littered roadway designated by MESS.
1. Get your community group or non profit organization of 10 or more people to agree and apply for the program using our online application. Community groups are encouraged to apply & include neighbourhood associations, schools, PACs, sports groups, or nonprofit groups, registered charities with a community or non-profit purpose. Individuals may NOT apply to earn profit.
2. Wait for confirmation of approval from MESS Staff. Approval will be based on eligibility, time of application, and availability of funding. Priority is always given to Mission groups. This program is only available for cleanups during the spring and fall seasons due to volunteer availability and safety.
3. Read, sign and return the paperwork given by MESS staff for your agreement to commit to an cleanup date.
4. Your group provides the volunteers to litter pick during the assigned date and designated area. We recommend 10 or more volunteers as the area will be 2-4 km long.
5. MESS will provide the safety orientation, equipment, disposal and landfill fees for the cleanup.
These community litter clean-up events are a great opportunity for Mission non-profit organizations to raise funds to support their program.
All Mission non-profits groups (including sports teams, PACs and schools) are welcome to apply!
Involvement in a community litter clean-up is an excellent opportunity to cultivate environmental social responsibility and to participate in a very rewarding community project that benefits all citizens and aspects of Mission.