Formerly known as the Junior Anti-Litter Bug Club
Completed forms can be emailed to info@messociety.ca

The Litter Busters Club is a free program offered to children between the ages of 4-12 years old in Mission, BC. Originally, it was originally named the Junior Anti-Litter Bug Club and was created in 2012. It is designed to promote education & awareness of the negative impact of litter on our environment & foster environmental leadership within our local youth. Members are encouraged to be apart of the solution, not the pollution.
Specifically, children will learn:
about the types of litter and where it should go (compost, recyclable, and garbage)
how litter can harm animals
how litter can contaminate and pollute our environment
solutions to help stop it
Most of all, NOT to be a litterbug!
Members are asked to take the litter pledge:
never litter & always put waste in the appropriate place
help clean up their Mission by picking up 5 pieces of litter at a local park, their school or near their home (under the supervision of a parent or adult)
reduce the amount of garbage they make by reducing what they use or recycling as much as possible.​
On occasion as an option, there will be local community events for the Litter Busters to join. These events will vary and can include a recycled crafts activity, park or creek cleanup, snacks & educational games.
Upon membership, kids will recieve the following from MESSociety:
Litter Busters promotional swag
Litter Busters activity book
Kids cleanup kit including a bucket & litter picking tongs
Invitation to join 1-2 free Litter Buster community events
Emailed Newsletter (2-4 emails a year)
Recognition & pride for keeping our community clean & healthy.
If you are interested in signing up your child(ren), please click the "register" button below and fill out the form. Please allow up to 2 weeks for application processing. A staff member or volunteer will contact you to arrange pickup of the supplies. Forms can be sent in via our website or by email to info@messociety.ca.
Litter Busters Logo Contest
Congratualations to Arshdeep of Albert McMahon Elementary School for winning our random prize draw for the our new Litter Buster Logo Contest.
Arshdeep won a toy Litter Bug game and the book, "Patty Pitter She Hates Litter" by Jilly Hickey.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our contest to vote for the new logo for Litter Busters. We received about 100 votes overall, the majority being for the Happy Earth Logo.
Completed forms can be emailed to info@messociety.ca