Beware of Illegally Dumped Hazardous Material
If you come across a suspected illegal lab dump; generic 20-litre pails with lids, 45-gallon drums, together with black garbage bags or other plastic containers, do not touch, kick, move, or open any of the containers. They can be of serious concern, as they often contain the by-products of illicit drug manufacture, and most of these substances are highly toxic. Do not approach or investigate dumps of this nature.
Call the Fire Department at 604-820-3793 or 604-820-3794 as soon as you are able.
Report the exact location of the dumped materials, approximately how many pails, drums and bags you found, whether the materials were dumped in or near a creek, whether you observed any staining or odours, and whether there are other people in the area who may become exposed to the materials.
If anyone is exposed to chemicals call 911 ambulance service.
Reporting Roadside Litter and Illegal Dumping in Mission
Public Works 604-826-3761
Reporting Roadside Litter and Illegal Dumping in FVRD
Allison Neill, Engineering and Community Services Technologist
604.702.5025 || aneill@fvrd.ca
Keystone Avenue, Mission BC
Visit the District of Mission’s Litter and Illegal Dumping to learn more about reducing illegal dumping.
Litter Versus Illegal Dumping
The Mission Environmental Stewardship Society works to reduce and remove litter from the streets, parks, trails, and streams of Mission. We also encourage and support the reporting of illegal dumping.
Illegal dumping is considered discarding waste in an improper or illegal manner (against municipal requirements), where it doesn’t belong and/or where environmental damage is likely because of the improper disposal. Items often include things such as used tires, shopping carts, scrap metal, construction waste, old appliances, furniture, and green waste as well as general household, commercial, and industrial waste.
Litter simply defined, is waste (garbage, recycling, compost) discarded where it doesn’t belong- outside of an appropriate receptacle. Commonly littered items include cigarette butts, food wrappers, cans and bottles, and plastics. Occasionally larger, single items are found as well including microwaves, vacuums, bedding, and clothing. Items can be littered accidentally or on purpose.
The District of Mission supplies residents with curbside pick-up, a landfill site, and transfer stations, as well as waste and recycling disposal bins in parks and other recreational spaces.

Dewdney Trunk Rd