Mission AAB becomes the MESS!

The Mission Adopt-a-Block has held long-standing presence in the Mission community with it's first appearance in 1994 under The Mission Environmental Society. Since it's humble beginnings, it has enjoyed 23 years working with volunteers, businesses, organizations, and schools all the while morphing into the multi-faceted organization it is today. So in December 2017, it was voted that the Mission Adopt-a-Block Society would become the Mission Environmental Stewardship Society!
Led by a dynamic and creative team of staff and board of directors, it was decided that the organization could use some changes to better recognize the many programs it offers and the diversity of volunteers' efforts. "It was often mistaken that the Mission Adopt-a-Block only adopts blocks", explains MESS Executive Director, Sophie Thomas."However, less than 5% of our volunteers are adoption volunteers. The other 95% are split between major clean-ups, fundraisers, and our children's programs".
In pursuit of upholding its deep-rooted values, the MESS aims to continue to work hand-in-hand with residents of Mission to tackle litter and illegal dumping, beautify community spaces, and protect our beautiful green and blue spaces to ensure that each resident can feel safe, included, and valued.
The MESS staff and board will present the full breadth of its changes at its 2018 AGM on March 7th.
We hope to see you there!